Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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7 Ways to Raise an Optimistic Child

 When explaining myself, the first word that normally comes to mind is an optimist. It’s a quality I’ve carried with me my whole life (which is definitely not to state my life has been all rainbows and sunlight– it hasn’t– but actually, is anyone’s life without some trials and adversity?) It’s a characteristic I likewise hope to pass down to my kids. But how? Is optimism hereditary– something we are inclined to? Or is it something that can be taught? Well, I believe there might be a little bit of predisposition, but mainly, it’s a frame of mind that can be learned– whether you are 2, 33, or 84!

Here’s how I’m passing along my optimistic streak to my little ones while boosting my own optimism at the same time.

Model Optimism (start with you).

” You need to be the modification you want to see on the planet.”
— Gandhi
What better method to begin than modeling to our children the values and characteristics we want to see in others? Start with you– pick generosity, hope, and positivity– whether you’re talking with yourself (hey, we all do it!), your child, a store clerk, or that telemarketer you’re irritated with. Your kid sees it all– both what you state and how you state it. Even unfavorable emotions can be revealed without being mean or spiteful. And if you don’t get it right the very first time? That’s OK too– we are all human, and what has more of an effect than an apology and a do-over.

See Possibility.

Anything is possible if you think it to be. It’s a magical tenet that our little ones hold tight to– and there is no reason we can’t too. The fact is, things are going to go wrong. They just are. Instead of focusing on what went wrong, help your little one focus on what went right– options, choices, and even chances. What did you find out? What can be various next time? And how can you or your little one make it?

Be Gentle.

It is easy to be mild with our kids when they are complying and listening– a touch harder when things are breaking down. Perhaps it is the hardest to be gentle with ourselves. Catch your children in positive acts– practicing patience, believing optimistically– and highlight those acts. Do the exact same for yourself while you’re at it! By concentrating on the favorable minutes and acts in your life and in the lives of your children, you’re more likely to keep seeing the favorable and will be motivated to do more.

Find Appeal.

Seeing charm resembles seeing all the favorable worldwide. Sometimes, though, it isn’t completely obvious. Simply like looking for the positive and great, seeing appeal can be practiced– and as soon as you start seeing the appeal it’s easier to see more and more.

Optimism– the teaching or belief that everything is lovely, including what is unsightly.
— Ambrose Bierce

Help your children observe beauty by remarking on all you see. I typically find myself musing to my own children about what a beautiful day it is! The appeal does not have to be restricted to things you see– it can be laughter or joy or the silver lining of an otherwise icky scenario. Charm can be found in even the most ordinary.


Choose Gratitude.

Another method to concentrate on the favorable, instead of the negative, is to routinely recognize all that you are appreciative for. Huge things like your children, your home, your health. Little things like a hearty laugh, a yummy cup of tea, a quiet moment to yourself. You can start a dinnertime (or breakfast) tradition of sharing something each relative is grateful for. What a fantastic method to start or end your day!

Say “Yes.”.

There are so many times in life it’s so extremely easy to say no– to our children, to chances, to ourselves. It’s no wonder, fear, and pessimism (and let’s face it, in some cases, we grown-ups are just a bit too stiff) quickly states, “no, we can’t.” Push back this urge by stating “yes”– to opportunities and possibilities and hope. To picnics and one more story and additional hugs. Help your child say yes to things that may be frightening– like satisfying new friends or attempting a brand-new skill. You will never get anywhere if you do not start somewhere, and if you do drop, you’re still closer to where you want to be than when you began.

Fake it ’till you Make it.

There might be times when you simply don’t feel optimistic. Even if you don’t feel positive, attempt utilizing favorable words and actions. Smile. Choose appreciation. As soon as you start, you’ll discover it’s simpler and easier.


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