Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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Companies Offering Free Educational aids and Services due to School Closings

Here is a summary list of Companies offering Free Educational aids or Services. Hope this help parents going during this School Closings

Please click on the + button on the left to get additional details about that service.

List of Free Educational Services

CompanyDescriptionFree Service OfferedLink
123 Homeschool for MEFree printable worksheets and educational activities to help making learning fun. Resources arranged by grade or subject.Free worksheets and activitiesLink
2SimplePurple Mash is a website designed for children aged 3-11. It contains many creative tools ie: coding, animation, publishing, art and also applications for maths, spelling and grammar. Teachers can ‘set work’ for children easily then view / comment on completed files. It also contains thousands of topic based activities. Serial Mash gives you a whole library of e-books and corresponding activities. Both can be used on any tablet or computer with a web browser.https://2simple.com/blog/using-purple-mash-when-school-closed/
3P Learning3P Learning offers a suite of learning resources is designed for schools and families, covering mathematics, spelling, literacy, sciencehttps://www.3plearning.com/distance-teaching/
AcessibyteAccessibyte Online is offering free access to its entire cloud platform of apps for blind, low vision, deaf and reading impaired students. Highly visual and fully audible typing tutor, games, flash cards and study apps.Free Accesshttps://www.accessibyte.com/stay-safe
ActivEd, Inc.ActivEd, Inc. offers Walkabouts, web-based lessons for pre-K to second-grade students that integrate movement with language arts, math, and reading content and correlate to your state’s standards.To support your efforts to keep your students moving and learning outside of school due to closures related to COVID-19, we have decided to make the Walkabouts platform temporarily available at no cost to any classrooms impacted by school closures and remote learning needs.http://info.activedinc.com/covid
Actively LearnActively Learn is a web-based reading platform that helps students read deeply and think critically, with thousands of texts and associated instruction in ELA, Science, and Social Studies.Freehttps://www.activelylearn.com/post/remote-learning
Active HistoryAmazing resources for history teachers by the British educator Russell Tarr including interactive simulations, quizzes, games that can easily be used for online learning.1 month free trial because of school closures upon request (contact form)https://www.activehistory.co.uk/
Age of Learning (ABCMouse, Adventure Academy, ReadingIQ)https://www.ageoflearning.com/schools
ALBERTAlbert.io has resources for both middle and high school, through AP level.Schools forced to shut down can get a free, extended pilot for as long as they are impacted.https://www.albert.io/try-albert
AlchemieThe Mechanisms app allows students to learn and practice reaction mechanisms by moving and manipulating individual bonds and electrons. Instructors can assign specific puzzle problems through the Epiphany Dashboard. Students will be able to access those puzzles through the App on their phone or tablet. Demos of the Mechanisms and Epiphany Dashboard are available for free.Alchemie is offering the Mechanism App for free from now until the end of the spring semester. June 30thhttps://www.alchem.ie/
AlephbetaBring the Torah to life with Aleph Beta's videos. Be excited by learning Torah, and find relevant meaning for modern-day life.Aleph Beta is temporarily offering free subscriptions with access to hundreds of educational videos, audios, and podcasts.https://www.alephbeta.org/
American Chemistry SocietyThe American Chemical Society has ChemMatters magazines, targeted for high schoolers, available online. In addition to chemistry, there are article that are biographies of chemists, and historical articles.Free All The Timehttps://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/resources/highschool/chemmatters/articles-by-topic.html
American PanoramaDigital Atlas of America uses online GIS to explore and visualize data with maps.Freehttps://dsl.richmond.edu/panorama/
ArcademicsBoost student engagement & fact fluency with our free multiplayer educational games, math games, language arts games, and more!Always Free.https://www.arcademics.com/
Asecend MathAscend Math is a K to 12 math instructional resource Ascend Math offers award winning math instruction that provides an individual study plan for each student. Ascend Math's study plans are unique to each student, prescriptive, adaptive, and automatically assigned. Teachers also have the ability to assign standards to an entire class or grade to meet pacing guidelines.Free Service Offered: Now until the end of April for schools new to Ascend Math.https://ascendmath.com/coronavirus-offer/
Backpack SciencesThis is a free video series on how to teach science without the overwhelm.Free Video Serieshttps://www.backpacksciences.com/science-simplified
Bedtime MathBedtime Math is striving to help families introduce math as a fun part of their daily routine, as common and beloved as the bedtime story. We make it easy to roll math into the day, whether at bedtime, bathtime, or snacktime.http://bedtimemath.org/bedtime-math-for-families/
BeedBeED is a Finnish certified pedagogically-focused platform designed to meet your school’s curricular and teaching needs. Some of the BeED features include a mobile experiential learning app, multi-blocking Curriculum Builder and interactive mapping for an engaging and flexible learning experience. A mobile platform enables educators to move beyond the closed walls of schools to conduct lessons remotely, giving students the support they need, through continual learning. Through their own mobile devices, students and teachers can carry on with their lessons, grading and personalized interaction, all from the comfort and safety of their own homes.In light of more schools being closed throughout the region, BeED would like to extend its' support and services to schools affected by Covid-19 with a complimentary free 6 months' subscription to the mobile learning platform. During this process, the BeED team will provide on-going support from the on-boarding training to the uploading of content materials and more.https://www.beed.world/
BeeLine ReaderBeeLine Reader helps students read on screen more effectively. It is used both by skilled readers (including high school and college students) and readers with dyslexia, ADHD and autism. The technology is backed by educational research and has won social impact awards from the United Nations and Stanford University.Free access to the BeeLine Reader Browser plugin for Chrome. Install the browser plugin here and then click this link to register the plugin to an account that will be free until September 2020.https://www.beelinereader.com/
BelougaBelouga is a digital platform providing K-12 teachers and students with a personalized learning journey through connection, communication and collaboration with peers around the world.Always Free.https://belouga.org/
Better ChineseBetter Chinese is a leading publisher of Mandarin curricula for students from pre-kindergarten to college. Better Chinese materials have been officially adopted by nine states in the United States and are used in 1400+ schools worldwide.BetterChinese is offering free online access for schools and individual learners, K through College.https://www.betterchinese.com/pages/coronavirus
Big History ProjectAlways Free.https://school.bighistoryproject.com/bhplive
Black Box EducationDigital and interactive resources for drama, dance and theatre.6 free resource packs for digital, online schooling.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jnDsvkKgLBAYSLJO7KrioOKpZj34JesJqneFrypGKo0/edit
BlockCADBlocksCAD builds math and computer science skills by using a specialized 3D CAD (computer-aided drafting) software. A block-based coding platform allows students to create and manipulate 3D objects while using geometry and computational thinking skills.We'd like to support teachers by offering anyone in a closed school the chance to have access to BlocksCAD for Education Premium for free until the end of the school year.https://www.blockscad3d.com/distance_learning
BoardmakerBoardmaker is a collection of standardized picture symbols used for communication with students who are strong visual learners. This includes those with autism spectrum disorders, Down Syndrome, speech and language disorders, and behavioral disorders.We have a thematic series of units called Boardmaker Activities to Go- all free, and ready to download, print, copy etc.https://goboardmaker.com/pages/activities-to-go
BookCreater Apphttps://bookcreator.com/2020/03/support-for-schools-affected-by-coronavirus/
Boom LearningBoom Cards teaching resources are cloud resident and served, instructional mini-apps. Teachers create the resources for personal use, use with colleagues, and/or for distribution. Boom Cards can (but need not) process and report student performance data. The Boom Learning platform includes creation tools and data processing and reporting of student performance data. Boom Learning is privacy aware, is a signatory to several Student Privacy Data Consortium agreements, and in compliance with New York Section 2d. We offer a DPA for EEA customers. Contact us at legal@boomlearning.com if you need a document signed before you can begin.New customers from schools that are closing can get free Ultimate subscriptions (allows authoring Boom Cards with sound and the ability to share with colleagues) good through June 30 to affected schools. Existing customer schools who do not have Ultimate subscriptions can get an Ultimate account per grade or subject team to share for authoring materials to share out school colleagues to keep learning on course. Send an email to help@boomlearning.comhttps://wow.boomlearning.com/
Breakout Eduhttps://www.breakoutedu.com/funathome
BulbThis is an online portfolio system that integrates with multiple LMS’s. Students can build rich and sophisticated portfolios with lots of control over who sees what.Bulb digital portfolios is now providing free access to all schools for the rest of the year:https://www.bulbapp.com/h/blog/bulbed-free/
Bunk HistoryDigital archive of a variety of media produced about current events, public history and government. Bunk shows connection both spatially and across historic eras.Freehttps://www.bunkhistory.org/
BWS Education ConsultingStudents and parents are welcome to download and use any of these to help with test prep and college admissions.https://www.bwseducationconsulting.com/handouts.php
CanFigureIt GeometryCreated by teachers, this highly interactive tool provides an easy-to-use workspace where students can practice proofs while exercising their deductive reasoning muscles.Always Free.https://www.canfigureit.com/
Campus DifusionI'm sharing our website with free resources for Spanish teachers and resourcesWith a free account, students and teachers can access 100% of videos, online activities, proyectable materials for the classroom, and sample units and audios of all bookshttps://www.difusion.com/campus/
CenterventionWe offer game-based interventions that focus on improving social and emotional skills in K-8 students.Educators can get a free 30-day trial and have as many students as they'd like to play the programs at school or at home. We offer free lessons/activities and printables on our website that focus on SEL:

CHALK AcademyThis site has a lot of Chinese learning activities, including printableAlways Free.https://chalkacademy.com/
Chrome Music LabChrome Music Lab is a website that makes learning music more accessible through fun, hands-on experiments.Freehttps://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/
CircleTime FunLearn and bond with your 0 - 6 year old. Follow and interact with an expert instructor.code: homefun1https://circletimefun.com/
CK-12 FoundationEach lesson has a reading passage, videos, optional review questions, and self-graded practice questions. The lessons can be assigned to Google Classroom and it puts the grade in that students got on the practice questions (students must get 10 practice questions correct to get 100%).Always Freehttps://www.ck12.org/student/
ClassDojoClassDojo is an excellent tool for parent communication, sharing information, and portfolios provide a platform for teachers to assign and students to complete and submit work online.Always Freehttps://www.classdojo.com/
Classic Learning TestCLT is a computer based suite of assessments for grades 7-12. The CLT10, designed for 9th and 10th graders, is offered for free on April 29. It's a two hour assessment that comes with next day results and analytics. It offers free score sharing to colleges, and a $2,500 scholarship opportunity for top performers. The test can be taken from home and is norm-referenced and can thus be used as students' end-of-year assessment. Our online practice test can be used by educators or families as an at-home assessment/lesson plan for grades 7-12. Link for practice test can be found here: https://www.cltexam.com/practice-homeNorm-referenced CLT10 test for 9th-10th grade. Practice tests.https://www.cltexam.com/home
Classroom CerealGrammar practice in free, printable short stories.Always freehttps://www.classroomcereal.com/
Classroom Secretshttps://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/
ClassHookIs your school closed or planning to close due to the coronavirus (COVID-19)? We’d like to support your school during this challenging time with access to ClassHook Premium.http://www.blog.classhook.com/2020/03/06/support-for-schools-impacted-by-coronavirus-covid-19/
Classify LearningWe offer the ability to build and deliver assessments quickly and easily.Also, we have been talking about releasing all premium features for free during this awful outbreak.https://app.classifylearning.com/login/?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fapp.classifylearning.com%2F&remember=1
ClassKickThe best virtual learning platform for students and teachers. See students' thinking and support where they need it most!FREE Classkick Pro School, for any school in need due to covid-19 related closings.https://classkick.com/school-closings
ClassMasterClassMaster takes your existing paper or computer-based teaching resources and makes them digital. These resources can be assigned to pupils, groups or classes and completed on any device, in school or at home. Marking and scoring are automatic and pupils performance can be tracked over time.Free access to all ClassMaster features for the rest of the 19/20 academic year for any teachers affected by COVID-19.https://classmaster.org/
ClasstagEasy-to-use app teachers can use to communicate with parents and send lessons/assignments homeAlways Freehttps://home.classtag.com/
ClasstimeClasstime supports teachers to make home-based learning engaging and effective for students of all ages with their interactive and simple assessment solution. No student accounts required, no installations required, 9 tech-enhanced question types - and plenty of free content (e.g. Khan Academy).Classtime offers free access to Premium features for individual teachers and schools during the period of school closures due to Coronavirus / COVID-19. Classtime also offers a comprehensive free account that does not require any application.https://www.classtime.com/blog/4-ideas-to-effectively-teach-with-distance-learning/
CMU CS AcademyWe provide a free, online, interactive textbook for high school and middle school teachers to use to teach computer science in their classroomshttps://academy.cs.cmu.edu/splash
Collisons ChemistryCollisions is a system of digital games, grounded in the rules of chemistry, that can be used to introduce, teach, and review key concepts in chemistry.Always free.https://www.playmadagames.com/
Command EducationCommand Education is offering a complimentary two-part webinar series for students who are home from school due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, led by our Senior Mentors, all of whom are graduates of Ivy League and other top-tier universities.Two-part webinar series for 9th and 10th graders on March 17th and 18th, 1-2 pm EST. We will discuss emotional regulation in times of distress and using time off from school to pursue your passions and build a college-bound roadmap. Two part webinar series for 11th graders on March 17th and 18th, 3-4 pm EST. We will provide students with tools to process their emotions and explain the college application process in detail.https://www.commandeducation.com/webinar/
Conjugemos"Use without account" option has vocabulary, grammar, listening activities and games in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, and Latin."Use without account" option has vocabulary, grammar, listening activities and games in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, and Latin.https://conjuguemos.com/
Coursera for CampusAvailable at no cost to any university impacted globallyhttps://www.coursera.org/coronavirus
Cube for TeachersCube For Teachers is a free global sharing community for educators. Educators from around the world are sharing OERs to support students and each other globally.Always freehttps://cubeforteachers.com/login
Curriculum AssociatesFree printable K-8 Reading and Math activity packs (available in English and Spanish) and guidance for teachers and families to support learning at homehttps://www.curriculumassociates.com/supporting-students-away-from-school
CurrikiCurriki revolutionized the way digital learning content is distributed and shared. For over 10 years we have made the best curriculum, lessons and on-demand content free, open, and accessible to all.Always Freehttps://www.curriki.org/
Data ClassroomDataClassroom is a web app that allows students in grades 6-12 to make pro-quality graphs (line, bar, box plots, dot plots, etc.) in seconds and do basic statistical analysis where all the math is explained with visuals. They have a few datasets available on coronavirus including this activity that uses data from the 1918 influenza pandemic to illustrate why schools are closing in an attempt to flatten the curve: https://about.dataclassroom.com/blog/flatten-the-curveRegister a free password anytime. Start a free 90-day trial to create classes with student accounts. Company CEO Aaron Reedy says that teachers can email him directly to extend a trial longer than 90-days and he will be happy to personally take care of it.https://about.dataclassroom.com/blog/flatten-the-curve
Data NuggetsData Nuggets are free educational resources, co-designed by scientists and educators. The goals of Data Nuggets are to (i) help scientists increase the broader impacts of their research by sharing their science story and data with the public, and (ii) to engage students in the practices of science through an innovative approach that combines scientific content from authentic research with key concepts in data literacy. When using Data Nuggets, students learn about authentic science research projects, and work through an activity featuring real data from a real scientist, providing practice developing explanations about natural phenomena using data from the study.Always Freehttp://datanuggets.org/
Deck.ToysWe are running a FREE 3-month access to our domain-wide Pro Plan to all schools and institutions in view of COVID-19.https://deck.toys/
Defined LearningOur hands-on projects are based on situations in STEM careers to help learners discover their passions and choose a pathway to a promising future.A free real-world project at every grade-band.https://www.definedstem.com/elearning-projects/
DeltaMathDelta Math is a free website for teachers and students covering a wide range of math content from middle school through AP Calculus.Always Freehttps://deltamath.com/overview
DemCastWe’re a site for left-leaning activism, but we do publish resources like this as well when we come across them.Always Free. Nonprofithttps://demcastusa.com/
DevieA digital coach that supports parents to help their children grow in the early years. Devie understands parent hopes and challenges, explains relevant concepts in early childhood development, and recommends daily research-based activities parents can do at home with their little ones to keep them occupied, and support their learning.Because we are in beta, Devie is completely freehttps://deviecoach.com/
Digital Learning AcademyAn online learning platform with 32 STE(A)M courses that come with lesson plans, instructions, online materials, quizzes, worksheets, and more.Educators will receive full access to all of these courses at no cost during this global health crisis. Please visit the link below, and shoot an email to george@digitalmediaacademy.org so that I can manually provide the content.https://schools.digitalmediaacademy.org/teachers/#signupteachers
Digital Theatre PlusThree million students, at over 2,000 academic institutions, in 80+ countries have unlimited access to some of the world's finest productions, unique backstage insights, practitioner interviews and written analysis.Free during this timehttps://www.digitaltheatreplus.com/education
Discovery K12Discovery K12 provides a complete online curriculum for pre-k to 12th grade. All main subjects are covered, plus extra curriculum courses.All of the curriculum if free to use and it is available worldwide.http://discoveryk12.com/dk12/
Discovery Edhttps://www.discoveryeducation.com/coronavirus-response/
Ditch That Textbookhttps://ditchthattextbook.com/elearning-activities/
DreamScapeEngaging reading game for grades 2-8 that combines strategy, engagement, and imaginative reading passages to create a fun, curriculum-aligned literacy game.Always freehttps://www.squigglepark.com/dreamscape/
Dr. Roger's Math NeighborhoodThis is a free online video series with detailed solutions to more than a thousand publicly-released College Board SAT Math, Subject Test Math Level 1, and Subject Test Math Level 2 problems.Free all the time. No ads, now or ever. No paid product endorsements.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbQoCpvYRYRkRRvsObOPHaA?reload=9
DuolingoForeign languagesAlways free (paid options, but base content always free)https://www.duolingo.com/
Dylexia AcademyI have set all the best resources section to free to help as many schools as possible with new and updated resources being added all the time.https://dyslexia-academy.learnworlds.com/
EcreeEcree provides unlimited, real-time, human quality feedback on the elements of foundational academy writing: argumentation, organization and analysis. Ecree provides the equivalent impact of an expert writing tutor.Free access to softwarehttps://www.ecree.com/
EdmentumEdmentum is committed to making it easier for educators to individualize learning for every student through simple technology, high-quality content, and actionable data.We are offering schools and districts subscriptions to our online academy and subscriptions to our online practice program. Email info@edmentum.com and watch the recorded webinar: https://info.edmentum.com/Webinar-SchoolClosures-031220_Registration.html to learn more.https://www.edmentum.com/
EdReadyEdReady offers a low-stakes knowledge inventory to personalize a learner’s path to math and English mastery within the context of a specific goal, from algebra review, to college readiness and more.Always free.https://edready.org/home
Education GalaxyEducation Galaxy provides award-winning online assessment for students to help prepare them for state testing. Education Galaxy is built 100% to your state standards and provides a highly-engaging and amazingly effective way for students to master all their state standards. Education Galaxy is a great tier 1 solution for practice, instruction, and assessment.We are offering free services to any school who doesn’t have our program and is experiencing a closure. It will be valid for the remainder of the school year and into the summer.https://educationgalaxy.com/
Education ModifiedWe will be offering free subscriptions of our online teacher dashboard to collaborate & support students with special needs.https://www.educationmodified.com/
Education Perfecthttps://epforlearning.com/2020/education-perfects-technology-minimising-impact-on-100-coronavirus-affected-schools-in-china/
EduflowEduflow allows you to run online courses with things such as peer review and other learning activities.Additionally, we have also made our other product Eduflow free for the same duration of time. (Next 4 Months)https://www.eduflow.com/?utm_source=covid19email&mc_cid=807ec28728&mc_eid=9f5a85651f
EdulasticEdulastic is an online k-12 assessment tool. It allows teachers to make their own assessments and assignments or choose from over 35,000 pre-made assessments. Teachers get immediate feedback, can provide feedback to students, and can tie questions to learning standards.Edulastic continues to offer free-forever teacher accounts. In response to COVID-19, we want to make distance learning easier and more accessible to everyone. We are providing the following Premium and Enterprise features for free until July 1, 2020.https://edulastic.com/blog/covid19/?utm_source=Edulastic+News&utm_campaign=727311df68-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_03_COVID&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1014a46158-727311df68-47709497&mc_cid=727311df68&mc_eid=49dee07599
EmpaticoEmpatico is a free tool for educators of students ages 6-11 to connect their classrooms with others around the world. It is an all-in-one platform that has everything you need to virtually connect: live video, file sharing, a partner classroom, and activities. Great for schools that may still be in session or ones that might have had to cancel planned field trips - it is a way to connect with other classrooms around the world without having to leave the four walls of the building!It is also 100% free and always has been.https://empatico.org/
EpraiseEpraise will be offering 30 days free access to our platform including our Homework and Messenger optional features to ensure schools can stay connected in the event that they have to close.https://www.epraise.co.uk/index.php?view=announcements
ESL LibraryWe are offering Plus subscriptions to all Standard users, and our printable lessons on Pandemics and The Coronavirus are also currently free for non-members.https://esllibrary.com/blog/coronavirus-support
EverFiEVERFI’s no-cost digital resources cover topics such as social emotional laerning, STEM, financial literacy, career readiness, and health & wellness. Our student-driven, standards-aligned resources have assessments embedded into them, enabling teachers to see measurable outcomes from student work in real-time. Teachers can create an account and set up their classes in less than 5 minutes.EVERFI resources are and always will be free for teachers to use.https://platform.everfi.net/new_registration?role=teacher
Everydae SAT PrepEverydae is the online SAT math prep program that teenagers actually want to use. 10-minute micro lessons match busy schedules. Built by industry experts. 17+ years industry experience.100% free while schools are closed! (normally $19/mo). Tell your students to use the code HOMEPREP and sign up through this link http://bit.ly/2xrVchc.https://everydae.com/?utm_source=resource_sheet&utm_medium=spreadsheet&utm_campaign=school_closures
Everyday EarthEveryday Earth is an interactive video earth science based curriculum supplement.It is completely free.https://www.everyday-earth.com/
Explain Everythinghttps://twitter.com/explainevrythng/status/1237412347712593922
ExploreLearning GizmosGizmos are online simulations that excite curiosity and invite interaction. We’ve got over 400 Gizmos in our library covering topics and concepts in math and science for grades 3-12. Gizmos help students dig deeper into subjects and really understand challenging concepts.Gizmos free accounts feature 30+ free Gizmos after your full-access trial is completed. Schools impacted by COVID-19 may receive extended pilots for support during this time.https://www.explorelearning.com/index.cfm?method=Controller.dspFreeAccount&_ga=2.32190458.558305376.1569190470-443864285.1556293744
ExloreLearning ReflexAdaptive and individualized for grades 2-6, Reflex is the most effective system for mastering basic math facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.Free 30-day trial. Schools impacted by COVID-19 may receive extended pilots for support during this time.https://www.reflexmath.com/trial
ExploreLearning Science4UsScience4Us covers Inquiry, Physical Science, Life Science and Earth & Space Science with lessons specifically designed for K-2 students. The sessions have 1000’s of online and offline activities that can be completed in as little as ten minutes, and teach students using videos, interaction, poems, songs, and digital notebooks.Free 30-day trial. Schools impacted by COVID-19 may receive extended pilots for support during this time.https://www.science4us.com/trial/
Facing HistoryCollection of educator resources includes a wide range of flexible, multimedia materials, from primary sources and streaming videos to teaching strategies, lesson plans, and full units. There are resources that will support students' learning, whether you are teaching a complex moment in history or addressing today's breaking news.All resources free with creation of online accounthttps://www.facinghistory.org/
FeedbackFruitsFeedbackFruits Interactive Video tool allows teachers to ask questions or start discussions at any point of a video that they upload in the tool within the LMS. The video can be self-recorded or found on platforms such as Youtube and Vimeo. The students can interact with each other and work in groups within the tool.The Interactive Tool is available for the higher institutions in need during the COVID-19 outbreak. You can request it here: feedbackfruits.com/covidhttps://feedbackfruits.com/home
FiveableWe have free resources for AP students including live reviews, live trivia, and study guides!Always free.https://app.fiveable.me/
FlatFlat for Education is a cloud-based and easy-to-use music notation software.Free access to our full product until the end of school yearhttps://flat.io/edu
FloopFloop is a web-based tools for providing fast, effective teacher and peer feedback on digital and paper-based work. It's an English language based app designed for 5-12th grade students.Always free.https://www.floopedu.com/
Fluency & FitnessFluency & Fitness® provides educational brain breaks to help students review essential literacy and math skills, while getting in some exercise. Find over 900 videos to help your child keep learning at home and burn off some extra energy. Our site is best used for ages 4-8.We are offering our subscription website FREE for parents to use at home during the school closures.https://fluencyandfitness.com/register/school-closures/
Fluency MattersFree Access to the E-Learning options for 21 dayshttps://fluencymatters.com/even-more-free-ci/
Fluent KeyFluentKey helps language teachers make listening fun and meaningful by turning real-life videos into an interactive game. They have hundreds of authentic videos in Chinese, English, French, and Spanish. You can play FluentKey Live with your students in real time or create assignments for them to complete on their own time. Made by language teachers for language teachersFluentKey Pro for one month using the code StaySafe on fluentkey.com/planshttps://fluentkey.com/blog/coronavirusinformation/
Follettn the event you need to close your school or district, the Follett Destiny® solution you already have could help you provide continuation of learning to your students. You’ll find helpful Destiny video tutorials, forums and instructions for accessing Destiny Discover® from home in Follett Community.Additionally, we've waive the cost for Follett Classroom Ready Collections through June 30, 2020, to help ensure teachers and students have access to standards-based content from any location. Please email us for details and let us know how we can help.https://www.follettcommunity.com/s/article/follett-e-learning-resources?utm_campaign=Follett+Covid19+Britten+letter&utm_medium=email&utm_source=MarketingCloud&utm_content=Follett%2520Community
FormativeFormative enables teachers to build their own assessments and assignments, or pull and customize “formatives” from our Library of thousands of pre-made materials. Educators can act on live student responses to intervene as needed; give feedback and auto-grade students’ work; track student growth over time; visualize student performance across assignments/assessments; and easily integrate supportive tools, like Google Classroom, Flipgrid, Desmos, Padlet and other resources.Educators can always sign up for free accounts. In addition, we’re donating FREE School Premium to teams that may need to teach virtually. If your team, school, or district may be in need, please fill out our Request Form here → https://goformative.com/schools?plc=covid19. Read the letter from our CEO (and former teacher) for more details: bit.ly/covid19planhttps://goformative.com/
FreckleFreckle.com has a free level access where students in K-8 can access Freckle for free.https://www.freckle.com/
Free MathFree Math allows collecting digital assignments from students and enables quick grading by grouping similar student work on each question. It isn't limited to a specific bank of questions and all of the work done by students is completely freeform, so it can work for a broad range of classes.Always free.https://freemathapp.org/
Gabbart CommunicationsWISDOM LMS (Learning Management System) promotes learning outside the classroom by creating and connecting curriculum content. Take full advantage of our resource-rich digital environment and watch the impact on students' success.Offering Free & Unlimited Student & Faculty License for the remainder of the 2019/2020 year.https://www.gabbart.com/covidlms
GamilabIt is a platform where anyone can find or create their own simple learning games and the version we have now are always free for schools.Always free.https://gamilab.com/
GeniallyCreate stunning presentations, infographics, and more in just secondsPREMIUM TEMPLATES NOW AVAILABLE FOR FREE. FOR EVERYONE.https://doitgenially.com/en/premium-templates-now-available-for-free-for-everyone-forever-genially-aims-to-facilitate-remote-and-distance-learning/
GeopolarisWe've got a Human Geography textbook and assignments ready to go that we're offering up for teachers to help get them through the next couple weeks. Teachers will have to contact us through this email to identify which units they need.We've got a Human Geography textbook and assignments ready to go that we're offering up for teachers to help get them through the next couple weeks. Teachers will have to contact us through this email to identify which units they need.http://www.geopolarised.com/
GimkitGimkit is a quiz learning game for students and teachers, created and maintained by students. ... As they complete quizzes, students earn money to reinvest in Gimkit upgrades that align with their strengths. Use your Gimkit dashboard to view student progress and earnings and additional formative data.Students can interact with other players in an attempt to be at the top of the leader board. They are offering to extend the limit of free kits you can make during this time. They will also allow you to keep all additional kits made.https://www.gimkit.com/
GoNoodleGoNoodle® engages 14 million kids every month with movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts. Available for free at school, home, and everywhere kids are!Always Freehttps://www.gonoodle.com/
Good2Learn14 Day Free Trialhttp://www.good2learn.com/
Google for Eduhttps://www.blog.google/outreach-initiatives/education/distancelearning-covid19
GynzyGynzy is the all-in-one educational software that combines standards-aligned lessons, bite-sized games & activities, and class management tools to unlock the potential of your Interactive Whiteboard.Teacher Subscription is freehttps://www.gynzy.com/en/
Handwriting HeroesHandwriting Heroes is a multisensory handwriting curriculum that teaches children how to form their letters through animations, stories and song.iPad app is being offered free of charge. Letter formation videos – always freehttps://appytherapy.com/handwriting-heroes/
Hawkes LearningHawkes offers adaptive online learning modules with instructional content and videos, interactive practice with tutoring and Explain-Error feedback, and mastery-based homework assessments. We also offer a test bank for online tests and quizzes. Our materials are most commonly used by college students, and we offer courses in Developmental English, English Composition, Psychology, Economics, Developmental Math through Calculus and Statistics.Free online homework and testing system for college students through 5/31. Always free access for instructors. Always free 24/7 support for students and instructors.https://mailchi.mp/hawkeslearning/free-online-software-for-campus-closures?e=5bd07fd7bd
HippoCampusExplore over 7,000 free videos in 13 subject areas.You can create a free account and create customized playlists too.Always freehttps://hippocampus.org/
HOMERFree Apphttps://learnwithhomer.com/
ICivicsiCivics, inc. is a non-profit organization in the United States that provides educational online games and lesson plans to promote civics education and encourage students to become active citizens.Always freehttps://www.icivics.org/
Ideas Roadshow1 Month Free for all Resourceshttps://ideasroadshowibdp.com/
iComputerFree online access to iCompute's Learn Programming and Computational Thinking resources. Designed for independent work, pupils can work through activities and exercises online at home.Free Access to All Serviceshttp://www.icompute-uk.com/news/covid-19-get-free-access-to-icompute/
IDEAFree and can be self driven and they get a certificate from buckingham palace!Free Alwayshttps://idea.org.uk/
InThinkingOne Month Free Access to Any InThinking DP Subject Sitehttps://www.inthinking.net/inthinking/teacher-resources.htm
Inq-ITSInq-ITS research-based, virtual labs engage students in science inquiry and give them real time support as they work; they provide teachers real-time progress monitoring, and use AI to automatically score students' work, including their written responses. Our goal is to help support best instructional practices while engaging students in their learning. We hope you’ll join us!We’re pleased to offer access to our complete collection of virtual, interactive labs for physical, life, and earth science. To access remote training and professional development at no charge, sign up by April 1, 2020.http://www.inqits.com/
i-Readyfree printable K-8 Math and Reading packets for studentshttps://www.curriculumassociates.com/supporting-students-away-from-school
IXLIXL is a platform that takes personalized learning, which is really complex, and makes it simple for teachers to implement effectively in their classrooms. IXL is built on four key components: comprehensive K-12 curriculum, a Continuous Diagnostic, personalized guidance, and actionable real-time Analytics. These components are fully integrated and work together seamlessly to give teachers everything they need to differentiate instruction and help students grow.As many schools across the country plan for current or potential closures, IXL is working to support teachers in any way we can. If teachers are looking for a way to keep their students engaged and learning from home, we are happy to provide them with free IXL access for 90 days. We are also offering a free webinar series with some great strategies for at-home learning, plus some implementation resources and videos that will help them plan for school closureshttps://www.ixl.com/membership/teachers/trial/closure
Izzit.orgWe offer FREE, high-quality educational materials to educators: teachers, homeschoolers, parents, grandparents, scout troop leaders – to anyone interested in learning/teaching!Free Alwayshttps://www.izzit.org/
JoVEJoVE publishes peer-reviewed scientific video protocols to accelerate biological, medical, chemical and physical research. Watch our scientific video articles.JoVE is happy to provide all of our Education video content free to use in STEM teaching efforts through June 15th.https://info2.jove.com/requestaccess
K5Technology CurriculumDigital and Print technology lessons for grades k-53 weeks of free access to 18 technology lessons and activities plus a PDF download for printable tech activities.http://www.k5technologycurriculum.com/covid19/
KahootKahoot! Premium for the rest of the year and that an admin need to email (eilert.hanoa@team.kahoot.com) with the number of educators at your school, and they’ll get you set up.https://kahoot.com/schools/distance-learning/
KET's PBS Learning MediaVideos, games, lesson plans and supplemental materials can be searched by grade level, subject area, keyword and standard. And PBS LearningMedia's Google Classroom integration makes it easy to share resources with your entire class. Content contributors include KET, PBS, PBS Kids, NASA, the National Archives, the Library of Congress and many more.Always freehttps://kera.pbslearningmedia.org/
Khan Academyhttps://www.khanacademy.org/about/blog/post/611770255064350720/remote-learning-with-khan-academy-during-school
Khan Academy KidsKhan Academy Kids is a free, award-winning online education program for children ages 2 - 7. Our mobile app was designed by child development experts at Stanford University and engages kids in core subjects like early literacy, reading, writing, language, and math, while encouraging creativity and building social-emotional skills. It is age-appropriate, personalized based on where your child is at, and engaging.Always free, no ads, no subscriptions, with an offline version available for when internet access is difficult.https://apps.apple.com/us/app/khan-academy-kids/id1378467217
Kialo EduIt is a debate platform optimized to teach critical thinking and facilitate group discussions online. Teachers can create a Team page and individual discussion pages easily and can invite students using a link. There are several features which can help with grading and giving feedback which are fairly intuitive. They also provide multiple instructions documents and videos.It doesn't cost anything to make an account, host a discussion, or create a team to host multiple discussions.https://www.kialo-edu.com/tour
Kids Discover OnlineAccess Kids Discover's award-winning library of science and social studies material on any device, at any time, for one low price.To help alleviate the burden schools face when closing, we have decided to offer schools and school districts special access to Kids Discover Online through the end of June, 2020.https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe8FeuVh5AwwY5S5gkSN7Dw_tWpRneVdq1FhGyYvCO1N83cug/viewform?vero_id=kdo1880662&vero_conv=DkrC-H3AHXmsRWwMpvELoS067gYxZI3gCO2Am6Tx-g30eb3QJC5zS57pJ5UxI_RMPRKPShL2NkZRP0avfhAK4LV0J5ZwSgb0jQ%3D%3D
KognityWe have adapted the traditional textbook to digitally consumable text with video examples, 3D models and practice tests to make the content more interactive and engaging. The best part is that all our textbooks are curriculum-aligned and are designed to enhance deeper learning.We want to offer any school in lock-down territory, that’s not yet a Kognity user, access for free during the lockdown period.https://kognity.com/support-coronavirus/
Kokomo Solutions, Inc.COVID19Tracker™ powered by the Kokomo24/7® Safety Cloud™ that provides tracking, management and reporting of the coronavirus for communities, schools, healthcare systems, manufacturing, etc.Free access to our COVID19Tracker™ powered by the Kokomo24/7® Safety Cloud™ that provides incident management, mobile reporting and situational awareness mapping software to track and report the coronavirus during the outbreak.https://www.covid247.org/
KrisipiiKrispii is a learning and teaching platform that provides resources from our krispii library as well as the opportunity for teachers to create their own projects using videos, documents, podcasts or whatever else might work for their style of teaching.Normally we have a 7-day trial period but we are lifting that.https://krispii.com/
LabsLandTo make sure that everyone in need gets our help, we at LabsLand are providing free access to all of our laboratories until summer 2020.https://labsland.com/blog/en/2020/03/12/schools-and-universities-closure-support/
LaliloLalilo is an online literacy program built by teachers for teachers and their students. ... Lalilo is a free online tool for kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade teachers and students. ... Students work on adaptive exercises in phonics, word recognition, and comprehension.Freehttps://app.lalilo.com/#/signup?language=en
Learning Appshttps://learningapps.org/index.php?overview&s=&category=0&tool=
Learning LaddersLearning Ladders is a unique online and in-class teaching, assessment and parental engagement system that brings together students, teachers and parents to improve children's learning at primary school. We provide each with integrated tools to help them be the best they can possibly be, every single day.Free access for the rest of the academic year.https://www.learningladders.info/coronavirus-disruption?d_utk=ceb1ea05-e62c-427c-9c2d-4b1d5607181c
LessonPixIf you are looking for materials to provide to families while schools are canceled, LessonPix has many Free Sample resources including low tech communication boards, visual supports, articulation games, math, and books and activities to address literacy skills. Just go into our Sharing Center and look for anything with the Free Sample crest. You can download and print these materials to give out freely to families or send as PDFs to families to print themselves. https://lessonpix.com/sharinghttps://lessonpix.com/sharing?fbclid=IwAR04lyC_eqb58fMvHm9es0T_WSqiMJN_Hj6TaBHhcdG6MQgb1wA0N2f_MYQ
LessonSpeakLessonSpeak offers curriculum and training for teachers who teach English online as freelancers. Caters mostly to adults.A selection of the curriculum and free training for a limited time. Free training and curriculum must be requested via the contact form on the site.https://lessonspeak.com/
Libby Appfor digital books and audio books. Anyone with a library card (at least in whatever cities/states use Overdrive) can access it.Always freehttps://www.overdrive.com/apps/libby/
LightSailRosen-LightSail is a cross-curricular, digital literacy platform that provides “Just Right”books to students from our 6000+ text library.We are currently providing licenses to schools and families impacted by COVID-19 closings.https://lightsailed.com/
LoomLoom is a new kind of work communication tool that helps you get your message across through instantly shareable video. Capture your screen, record your front-facing camera, and narrate it all at once, then instantly share with a simple linkWe are also making Loom Pro free for teachers and students at K-12 schools, universities, or educational institutions. Forever.https://www.loom.com/
LucidChartFrom graphic organizing to mind mapping, Lucidchart is a cloud-based tool to make learning visual and collaborative.10 free Lucidchartshttps://www.lucidforeducation.com/
LucidPressLucidpress is a cloud-based, easy to use tool for creating stunning documents - infographics, posters, magazines, and school newspapers with the ability to collaborate with others in real time.10 free Lucidpress docshttps://www.lucidforeducation.com/
Lumen LearningTransition mid-term to Lumen Learning courseware at no cost. Lumen Learning uses open educational resources (OER) to provide course materials that improve learning and replace expensive textbooks in 50+ general education college courses. Lumen courses are “ready to teach,” meaning you can get started quickly with minimal set-up. You can do as much or as little customization as you like. Lumen OER courseware includes Waymaker personalized learning course materials, OHM online homework system for math and other quantitative subjects.Sharing our no cost offer to help faculty transition to online.https://info.lumenlearning.com/transition-spring2020
Macbeth AcademyMacbeth Academy is a non-profit organization that offers K-12 Gifted and Talented homeschool courses for credit. We offer courses through AP level.For all schools and families, we provide free education resources, free video tutoring services, and free PD workshops for families and education professionalshttps://www.macbethacademy.org/
Maged - School AppQuickly, securely and from any PC send regular and urgent messages to Parent/Students for FREE via our APP, or during these challenging times, we can send them for you.Free extended trial with a No-Cost price plan after that. No obligations. App demo here http://maged.cc/demohttps://www.maged.cc/
Manga Highhttps://www.mangahigh.com/en-gb/blog/2020-03-06-free-access-schools-online-maths-coronavirus
Marco LearningResources for AP students and teachersFree live review sessions, free full-length practice tests, free lesson-plans, and free study guides on the websitehttps://marcolearning.com/
Mark KistlerOffering free access to free, virtual, live webcasts for art/drawing lessons for students needing to work from home during this period.Offering free access to free, virtual, live webcasts for art/drawing lessons for students needing to work from home during this period.https://markkistler.com/?fbclid=IwAR37pyxPHEoYo1NYOcbMBnlpFKacPFIc2hH67dMg83CxvycKsITEDS7IAZk
MassolitOver 2,800 short curriculum relevant video lectures designed and delivered by top university academics covering English Literature, History, Classics, Psychology, Philosophy, and Government and Politics.Free access is available until 30 April 2020https://www.massolit.io/
MathCelebrity.comIt's an automated online math tutor, like a Google for math. Enter your math problem or search term, press the button, and we show you the step-by-step work and answer instantly.We cover 2nd grade through college.Always freehttps://www.mathcelebrity.com/online-math-tutor.php
MentiMeterMentimeter is a nice graphic way to poll students and engage them remotelyFree for two weeks if you're school has been closed- no credit card needed.https://www.mentimeter.com/
Method Test PrepWe are offering free access to our program for the remainder of the school year for any district not currently using our program, but experiencing closures due to the Coronavirus.https://www.methodtestprep.com/schools/web-based-sat-act-prep-schools/
Microsoft Educationhttps://educationblog.microsoft.com/en-us/2020/03/how-schools-can-ramp-up-remote-learning-programs-quickly-with-microsoft-teams/
Mindful Poetry MomentsMindful Poetry Moments is a free program that offers a chance to pause and reflect on poetry's ability to encounter ourselves, the world, and the mystery of each other. Participating schools, individuals and organizations will be offered recordings of poets — including Brad Aaron Modlin, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Naomi Shihab Nye, Carrie Newcomer and Gregory Orr - — reading their work from two of The On Being Project’s content offerings: the On Being with Krista Tippett radio show and podcast and/or Poetry Unbound podcast. The audio will be accompanied by mindful prompts and meaning-making questions like "Does this poem encourage gratitude? How?” and "What’s a line in this poem that brings a strong visual image to your mind?"Always free.https://www.thewell.world/mindful-music/mindful-poetry-moments
Minecraft: Education EditionA game-based learning platform that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive digital environment.Always free.https://education.minecraft.net/
Mrs. Evelyn EducatesMrs. Evelyn Educates, LLC, is offering free reading, writing, and grammar support for all grade levels in addition to free mentoring during daytime hours.http://www.mrsevelyneducates.com/
MusicFirstMusicFirst Classroom is the only comprehensive learning management system (LMS) for K-12 music education.We are offering MusicFirst Classroom and the full suite of integrated software for free to any school during a closure.https://www.musicfirst.com/
Music TheoryIntroductory and intermediate music theory lessons, exercises, ear trainers, and calculators.Free online contenthttps://www.musictheory.net/
Mystery ScienceTo help all these teachers during school closures, we at Mystery Science just finished going through all our lessons, pulling the easiest ones to do from home, and putting them all up for free on a page to make it easy. No signup required, no student login—we just want to help.Free Accesshttps://mysteryscience.com/school-closure-planning
NaikuNaiku is a comprehensive, student-centric assessment management solution used by schools for everything from classroom formative assessment to district-wide benchmark assessments to easily measure, track, and view student learning. Educators can create, import, and share their own items and assessments or use a large bank of professional items and assessments.Naiku is offering new school subscriptions for free through June 30th, 2020 for schools affected by the Coronavirus.https://www.naiku.net/news/naiku-offers-support-to-schools-affected-by-coronavirus/
NEO LMSA US-based company, that offers learning management systems for schools, universities, businesses, and entrepreneurs.NEO LMS offers a very comprehensive plan for schools and it's completely free for schools with up to 400 students.https://www.neolms.com/
New American HistoryAccess to digital learning resources and tools developed by Dr Ed Ayer for American History/Geography/Current EventsFreehttps://www.newamericanhistory.org/
New Jersey Center for Teaching & Learninghttps://njctl.org/
Nimbus CaptureIt is a google extension that works similar to screencastify. Allows you to screen grab, record over presentations or record a "live" lesson.Many features are free but expanded features can be purchased as well (reasonably priced)https://nimbusweb.me/screenshot.php
Nitro TypeStudents improve the foundational skill of typing by competing in fast-paced races against their friends.Nitro Type is always 100% free.https://www.nitrotype.com/
Nomster ChefIllustrated recipes designed to help kids age 2-12 cook with their grown-ups. Recipes encourage culinary skills, literacy, math, and science.Nomster Chef is always free, but we wanted to highlight it as a resource for families looking to get in the kitchen!https://www.nomsterchef.com/nomster-recipe-library
NoRedInkNoRedInk is a free online curriculum that builds better writers. It includes diagnostic tools and assessments, targeted skills practice, a writing platform that guides students through the drafting and revision process, and instructional resources for teachers. It is used in more than 50% of US districts.Always Free.https://www.noredink.com/
NoteFlightNoteflight is an online app that allows users to compose, view, and share music notation from any web browser.In response, we are offering anyone in this situation the ability to use Noteflight Learn with all students through June 30th.https://notes.noteflight.com/distance-learning-support/?fbclid=IwAR0HU0WpKWBLUw53lEEgT74HX9L6GpuhHV7n29w_KiB7wDp-ouHPnBa0-uM
Novel EffectNovel Effect makes storytime a little more fun for kids (and grown-ups too!) As you read out loud from print books (or ebooks!) music, sound effects, and character voices play at just the right moment, adjusting and responding to your voice. We provide soundscapes for hundreds of popular picture books, and more titles added regularly.Always Free Apphttps://noveleffect.com/
NumbotsWe are offering affected schools free full access to NumBots– our platform that tackles addition, subtraction and number bonds – throughout any school closure*.https://numbots.com/covid19support/
Olive BookTest prep for visual learners - no screen scribble, no tripod teachers, comprehensive content.Free enrollment - students, classes, districts...come one, come all.https://www.olive-book.com/pages/the-olive-book-home
OtusOtus is a free LMS, Assessment Management, and Data Analytics platform designed specifically for K-12 remote learning.The platform is free for an indefinite period of time for teachers, students, and families.https://otus.com/
OutschoolThey are offering live webinars for teachers, for free, to share strategies for successful online / remote learning.https://blog.outschool.com/school-closures/
PackbackPackback is providing zero cost licenses through the end of the Spring semester or academic quarter for any higher education courses moving online due to COVID-19 prevention.https://www.packback.co/news/helping-classrooms-stay-connected-and-engaged-online/
PBS Learning MediaPBS LearningMedia is a free, PreK-12 digital media service available to educators nationwide. Our free service offers teachers access to more than 30,000 learning materials aligned to state and national standards, including 25,000+ videos, interactive lesson plans, media galleries and more to enrich classroom instruction. Educators can easily browse and find content that demonstrates key curricular themes by subject area, standards, and grade bands. For classrooms using Google Classroom, teachers can easily import their class roster directly into PBS LearningMedia, creating a seamless experience between both services. PBS’ partnership with REMIND means that educators can share their favorite materials to students using the REMIND text messaging service. This innovative effort aims to help educators strengthen the school-to-home connection. Create a free account to save, organize, and share resources.Always Free.https://kera.pbslearningmedia.org/
Pear Deckhttps://www.peardeck.com/staying-connected
PebbleGo by CapstonePebbleGo is a curricular content hub specifically designed for K-3 students. Packed with informational articles, ready-made activities, and literacy supports for students of all abilities, it boosts engagement and fosters independent learning in core subject areas.Free Accesshttps://pebblego.com/free-pebblego-capstone-interactive-access-school-closures?fbclid=IwAR0ldr6TT3grhEDzJ_fEpYvNGG13kqYo5ogwEqYneW7QBkX8L4u7cEIS0nE
Pecha KuckaPechaKucha helps teachers, students, and researchers create short, powerful talks that are engaging, memorable, and easy to share.Use of our PK Create software. Thousands of schools and nonprofits use PechaKucha to share classwork, research, projects, and more.https://www.pechakucha.com/
PeergradeFor the next 4 months, you will be able to use all features in Peergrade completely for free.https://app.peergrade.io/login?next=https%3A%2F%2Fapp.peergrade.io%2Fsettings%2Fcodes%3Fmc_cid%3D807ec28728%26mc_eid%3D9f5a85651f
PenPal SchoolsPenPal Schools connects more than half a million students from over 150 countries to learn together through collaborative online projects! Students collaborate through online projects ranging from human rights and the environment to fake news and robotics, all while practicing literacy, technology and social-emotional skills. Teachers can assess student work and support student growth by providing customizable and personalized feedback.At PenPal Schools we are offering free access to our programming to all teachers and schools affected by the virus.https://www.penpalschools.com/index.html
PhetScience LabsAlways freehttps://phet.colorado.edu/
Phonics HeroPhonics Hero teaches school-aged children to read and spell with systematic phonics. Using a step-by-step approach, the 850 games teach children the 44 sounds, the reading and spelling of words, and how to conquer sentences. Available on tablets and computers.30 days full free access. Obligation free; no payment details taken. On signing up, teacher inputs student names (first name is fine) and will be provided with a list of logins to distribute to students.https://www.phonicshero.com/
PinnaThe only screen-free, ad-free audio streaming service custom-made for kids 3-12, featuring podcasts, audiobooks and music.Use the promo code PINNA4KIDS. To activate, create an account and enter the code in step 2 of the sign up process. Two months for free.https://pinna.fm/
PlayPositIt is an interactive, distance based learning software that allows instructors to imbed questions into videos (like YouTube, but they have a variety of integrations)The basic account is free and it comes with access to a lesson library, which might help teachers who are scrambling to create their own materials.https://go.playposit.com/
Positive PhysicsAn online physics problem and video bank designed for conceptual, standard, honors or AP1 physics.All teacher and student accounts are free for the remainder of the school year.https://www.positivephysics.org/home
Prodigies - MusicProdigies is a colorful music curriculum for kids 1-12 that will teach your kids how to play their first instrument, how to sing in tune & how to understand the language of music!21 Days Freehttps://prodigiesmusic.com/
QuaverEdSeriously Fun teaching and learning for PreK-8 general music teachers and their students.QuaverMusic is offering free access to general music activities to all impacted schools, including free student access at-home.https://www.quavermusic.com/info/at-home-resources/
QuizletWe are free for students and teachers and make it easy for students to practice and master whatever they are learning.Always Free.https://quizlet.com/features/quizlet-teacher-guide-getting-started
ReadoriumReadorium is an award-winning, automatically adaptive reading in science program teaches nonfiction reading skills as it guides students through science books aligned to National & State Standards.We are offering Readorium for free to schools for grade 3-8 students from now through the end of the school year.https://www.readorium.com/covid-19-remote-learning/
ReadWorksReadWorks is an online resource of reading passages and lesson plans for students of all levels K-12. The company was founded with the goal of improving reading comprehension by bringing the latest in literacy teaching research into the classroom.Always Free.https://www.readworks.org/
Remind"A free Remind account lets you create up to 10 classes with up to 150 people each, so assess your classes and create any that you might need in an urgent situation. In most cases, it’s more convenient to use the classes you already have."Always Free.https://www.remind.com/resources/urgent-situations/
Rethink EdRethink Ed SEL is a comprehensive K-12 online platform that provides many opportunities for students of all ages and abilities, teachers, administrative staff, and parents to develop their social emotional skills. We provide on-demand professional development videos, grade level videos and curriculum that promotes well-being, connectedness and success for all students and adults.Rethink Ed will provide districts that are planning closures for preventative health measures with a tool kit that will include webinars, whitepapers, tips and strategies for supporting your entire community during this time of uncertainty. We will offer gratis access to our online Social Emotional Learning Suite through the remainder of the school year.https://www.rethinked.com/
RiseUp! An American CurriculumAlways freehttps://www.riseupcurriculum.org/
RockalinguaMusic Based Spanish Learnin gWe want to make sure teachers have all the tools they need to be able to keep teaching while schools are closed and that's why we are providing free Teacher Pro upgrades to all subscribers impacted by school closures.https://rockalingua.com/
Rock Hall EDUWe provide free classroom resources like videos, playlists, essays, lesson plans, writing prompts, and digitized materials from our Library & Archives. Teachers can sign up for a free account, download the resources, and use temporary authorization links to share materials directly with their students online.Always freehttps://edu.rockhall.com/
Rozzy Learning CompanyRozzy will also be providing free teacher licenses as well during school closures. Rozzy will be posting a list of lessons in our portal on Monday that are perfect for flipped learning so that teachers will know exactly what lessons work best.Teachers can make an account here by clicking on the free trial button- the free trial will be extended through the virus period.https://www.rozzycareeradventures.com/
SalesforceQuip Starter - To help teams collaborate while students and staff are away from school. Available for free to any Salesforce customer or non-profit organization through September 30, 2020.https://www.salesforce.com/
SchoologySchoology brings together the best K-12 learning management system with assessment management to improve student performance, foster collaboration, and personalize learning.Has a free, basic versionhttps://www.schoology.com/k-12/packages/basic
SchoolTronSchoolTron is a free attendance and dismissal app that has a parent app (iOS and Android) so schools can broadcast announcements, message with parents individually, send documents for electronic signature, and more.Free App.https://www.schooltron.com/
ScoutlierAssiggments can be made to collect written input but also images, video and Audio.It is free, works well on ipads, chromebooks and computers.https://www.aecern.com/
SelfCadSelfCAD is a 3D CAD web application totally based in the cloud.We're providing a free month of SelfCAD to students stuck at home due to the school closures. Code is homeschoolhttps://www.selfcad.com/
SenecaOn the front page there is a section called 'Free Teaching Resources', the topics are listed by subject and exam board. Eah section then has ppt, exam questions, videos etc - really useful.Sign Up for Freehttps://www.senecalearning.com/
Senor Wooly2 weeks of Senor Wooly PRO to every single Spanish teacher who wants one. Any Spanish teacher can request the free 2 weeks, whether you're new to Wooly, an expired user, or even if you just want to tack 2 extra weeks onto your active subscription.https://www.senorwooly.com/covid?fbclid=IwAR1m9dMaJEmfZTnoPThRCyLLQZKllDvyre_EgLmgGrdi41eimRGdaWJDA2o
SEPUPFree science simulations, scientist profiles, and other digital resources for middle school science and high school biolgy. No log in required.Always Freehttps://sepuplhs.org/
Seterra Geographyhttps://online.seterra.com/en/p/corona-support
SFUSD MathematicsIn preparation for possible school closures, SFUSD has produced 10 days of activities teachers can choose to assign students to complete at home. All Elementary lesson plans and student pages (both English and Spanish versions) are Google Docs that you can access using the button below. The activities are available to all under the Creative Commons Attribution License.Freehttp://www.sfusdmath.org/
ShowbieFor our Socrative Pro and Showbie Pro school and district customers: We are providing free additional licenses to cover all your staff and students on Socrative Pro and Showbie Pro through July 31, 2020. For our Socrative Pro and Showbie Pro school and district customers: We are providing free additional licenses to cover all your staff and students on Socrative Pro and Showbie Pro through July 31, 2020.https://www.showbie.com/
Shurley EnglishThe Shurley English program for grades K-8 provides a clear, logical, and concrete approach to language arts. Students grasp and retain even the most challenging concepts. Shurley English utilizes all learning styles and provides a logical connection between grammar, skills, and writing.The Shurley English Digital Edition will be offered to teachers and students for free. This offer includes complete video instruction for each lesson through our Shurley English Digital Assistant: SEDA. No code required.https://www.shurley.com/
Sight Reading FactoryFree Service Through June 30thhttps://www.sightreadingfactory.com/
Slido Educationhttps://blog.sli.do/slido-for-education/
Smart Learning SuiteSMART Learning Suite Online enables students to connect remotely to live lessons delivered by teachers and engage in real-time with lesson activities.Free Access for the rest of the school year.https://go.smarttech.com/distancelearning
SmartMusicFree Service Through June 30thhttps://www.smartmusic.com/
Smore MagazineWe are a print and digital STEM magazine for ages 9+. Smore is available to children through schools and libraries all over the world.To keep STEM learning going for children who are stuck at home due to the coronavirus outbreak, we are offering a Free Annual Subscription to Smore Digital (6 issues) until March 31st, 2020 with the use of code FREESMORE. Coupon Code: FREESMOREhttps://www.smoremagazine.com/product/smore-magazine-subscription-digital/
Expiry: 03/31/2020
SnapplifySnapplify offers a library of 50 000+ free e-books. Teachers can sign up for free and also claim exclusive teacher benefits. Excellent to send free e-books to your kids and get them to read while they are at home! You can also share your resources on the platform. Easily integrates with Microsoft / Google for education.Freehttps://engage.snapplify.com/?fbclid=IwAR3UnFHIjN5YHUc7uioOiTSggYuf0xtDrv3RUcO8ziQAyVWUT5PUm9SGT4g
SocrativeFor our Socrative Pro and Showbie Pro school and district customers: We are providing free additional licenses to cover all your staff and students on Socrative Pro and Showbie Pro through July 31, 2020. For our Socrative Pro and Showbie Pro school and district customers: We are providing free additional licenses to cover all your staff and students on Socrative Pro and Showbie Pro through July 31, 2020.https://socrative.com/blog/news/covid-19-complimentary-showbie-pro-socrative-pro-for-schools-moving-to-distance-learning/
SoftChalkSoftChalk is offering free access to SoftChalk Cloud from now through May 31, 2020 to anyone who may need it to quickly and easily create online lessons and course materials for delivery to students.https://info.softchalk.com/extended-softchalk-cloud-trial?utm_campaign=General&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=84696227&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_-QN-mTB9rECV4taVu2-P2sxaMkJMLOzdz6xsgivGr3behrB1tWRBehHfNR-XnWiPOPQPdpHnM7A11LuXvvVeeLzRAjA&_hsmi=84696227
Solfeg.ioFree Forever Plan today to empower teachers with resourceshttps://help.solfeg.io/hc/en-us/articles/360006637818-How-to-teach-your-music-class-online-
Spider LearningSpider Learning's offers a comprehensive MIddle School curriculum of Grade 6-8 and Algebra 1 courses. Each course is comprised of a full year of standards-aligned instructional content and can be imported into the school's LMS or set up through the Classroom Command Center. This platform presents Pre-Tests in every lesson that automatically generate custom playlists for each student. As the students work, the teacher can monitor their progress and performance in real time and intervene where needed to keep their students on track.Two options that are free for the rest of the 19-20 school year for schools impacted by the coronavirus:1) Import of content into the school's existing LMS (Schoology, Canvas, Blackboard, etc.) 2) Content presented through the Classroom Command Center tool.https://www.spiderlearning.com/coronavirus
SplashLearnSplashLearn is a curriculum-aligned learning program that covers kindergarten to grade 5 math skills through engaging games. It’s available on iOS, Android and web.By signing up for a SplashLearn free-for-life teacher account, you can ensure your students continue learning even when they are not in class. Any practice assignment or assessment you assign to your students can be accessed at home for free through laptops, iPads or smartphones.https://support.splashlearn.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044282794-How-SplashLearn-can-help-you-manage-your-class-effectively-during-Coronavirus-outbreak
StarfallStarfall.com is a powerful tool that provides hours and hours of engaging educational content for pre-school and grade school kids. It uses animation and sound to engage children in the learning process.Always freehttps://www.starfall.com/h/
ST MathST Math is an award-winning visual instructional program for grades K through 8.Our offer is no-cost access to ST Math for any school or district impacted by health-related closures.https://www.stmath.com/home-access
StoryBoardFree Access Until 4/15/2020https://www.storyboardthat.com/
Storyline OnlineThe SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s award-winning children’s literacy website, Storyline Online, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations.Always free.https://www.storylineonline.net/
StudyladderThis site provides ELA, Math, Science and other areas of study for kinder through 6th grade.Usually it is free unlimited at school and and they can do three activities at home, unless a parent subscribes. The email I just got says they will do unlimited at home for students with a school set up login and password and if parents register for an account.https://www.studyladder.com/
SworkitKid-friendly workouts — choose from Strength for Kids, Agility for Kids, Flexibility and Balance for Kids, Warm-Up for Kids, Cooldown for Kids, Stand Up and Move for Kids, OR create your own custom kid workout.Sworkit Kids workouts are always free. A parent will need to help get the child registered after completing their first workout, but even without a Sworkit membership the Kid Workouts can be accessed at no cost. For older students, we also offer free access to Sworkit through our Sworkit Youth Initiative. A teacher simply needs to complete the form on this page and we will provide full, free access for the entire school: https://sworkit.com/youth-initiativehttps://app.sworkit.com/collections/kids-workouts
SutoriSutori is a collaborative presentation tool for the classroom for all age groups and content areas. It provides the ideal canvas for assignments and lesson plans.Free Subscriptionshttps://www.sutori.com/
Teach All About ItLots of offers. Click on the link.https://teachallaboutit.school/computer-science-classes-vs-coronavirus-covid-19/
TeachingTextbooksMath program for grades 3-12First 16 lessons free with free trial.https://www.teachingtextbooks.com/
Tes Blendspacehttps://www.tes.com/lessons
The Choices ProgramChoices develops innovative U.S., World History, and Current Issues curriculum for secondary school students. It is available in print or a web-based platform.- more than 1,700 short, accessible videos with scholars and practitioners addressing a wide variety of topics related to our curriculum (but can be used independently of the curriculum with no account or logins required) https://www.choices.edu/videos/https://www.choices.edu/
The Good and the BeautifulThere is free homeschool curriculum out there, but nothing like this! We offer free course sets (Levels 1–5) that combine and thoroughly cover phonics, reading, writing, spelling, literature, grammar, punctuation, art, and geography—all in one easy-to-use, beautiful course.Always free.https://www.goodandbeautiful.com/
The OT ToolboxOn The OT Toolbox, there are many free resources designed to build skills in children through movement and play. Many related services will be halted for children over the next weeks (occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, etc.) Parents are seeking resources and strategies to help their children move and play in a way that helps them achieve their goals.All of the resources are free. More are being added today.https://www.theottoolbox.com/
Times Tables Rock StarsWe are offering affected schools free full access to Times Tables Rock Stars – our platform for multiplication and division – throughout any school closure*.https://www.ttrockstars.com/page/covid19support
TopHatTop Hat is a student engagement platform that professors use inside and outside of the classroom. Top Hat provides a lecture tool that tracks attendance, asks questions, features interactive slides, and manages classroom discussions.We’re making the Top Hat platform free of charge for professors and students who have current, active classes, to complete their semester.https://tophat.com/covid-19-response/
TurnitinAn online writing tool that you can access for FREE to help mitigate any gaps in your writing instruction and practice. It’s called Revision Assistant and offers almost 200 writing prompts that can be used in grades 6-12. As your students write, they can get immediate automated feedback which will help them revise and improve.We have a 60-day absolutely free trial that you can access here: https://go.turnitin.com/l/45292/2018-08-07/bgyfwq.https://www.turnitin.com/static/revision-assistant-walkthrough/
Twig Educationhttps://www.go.twigeducation.com/covid19-us
Typing ClubAlways free.https://www.typingclub.com/
Typing.comAlways free.https://www.typing.com/
Tyto OnlineNext Generation Science video game focused on middle school where students directly engage in science phenomena as they solve problems.Free 60-day trial; if we need to extend longer for teachers impacted by COVID-19 school services, we’ll make sure it’s available throughout this school year.https://www.tytoonline.com/
Unlock MathUnLock Math offers online math curriculum for grades 6-12.Anyone who signs up for our 14 day free trial due to school closures and emails us at matthew@unlockmath.com will have their trial extended to 3 weeks (possibly longer depending on circumstances). Families are free to sign up as many children as needed.http://www.unlockmath.com/
UnsilenceThrough storytelling, the arts, and serious games, Unsilence creates highly-interactive, research-based learning experiences that help communities learn about social injustice, human rights, and genocide. Our experiences help learners bridge perspectives, break down ingrained stigmas, and build collective empathy and understanding. Unsilence is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.Unsilence's online interactive features are FREE to use and include choose-your-own-pathway stories, webquests, human rights poetry and stories, interactive exhibitions, and companion education resources.https://www.unsilence.org/
VersoVerso is an online resource designed for K-12 teachers to maximize impact. ... Verso's suite of pedagogical focused tools, exemplar activities, strategies and structures have been designed to support teachers in addressing the challenge of engaging and re-engaging students more deeply in their learning.In response we’re making Verso FREE for the next 6 weeks to support you and your colleagues during these uncertain times.http://versolearning.com/
Voces Digitalhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfFMmM7_zihW0rQtgTav9vY2osJWviPYNWvPnJGM6M7qdwo7Q/viewform
Vooks1 Year Free Trial for All Teachers 1 Free Month For Parentshttps://www.vooks.com/teacher-appreciation
Vroom AppFree educational tips and science explanation for parents of children 0 to 5 available by app, text, and printables.Always free.https://www.vroom.org/
We Videohttps://www.wevideo.com/education
WileyWe are now offering FREE access to our courseware, WileyPLUS or Knewton Alta for the duration of this spring semester.https://secure.wiley.com/COVID19OpenWPAccess?HootPostID=0bd3f1b8-22fb-485c-863a-7d075e021951&Socialprofile=knewton&Socialnetwork=linkedin
Writing LegendsAs part of our Assistance for Schools response to Coronavirus we have accelerated our release of Writing Legends to US schools and will be providing the program completely free of charge through to 31 July 2020. The regular price is $11.50 (USD) per student.https://www.writinglegends.com/
Wonderopolis.orgShort videos and readings that answers various burning questions for students. There are vocabulary challenges and comprehension questions.Freehttp://wonderopolis.org/
World101World101 from the Council on Foreign Relations offers a growing library of multimedia resources that explain international affairs and foreign policy issues for students through entertaining and interactive storytelling.Freehttps://world101.cfr.org/
Yaca PacaYacapaca.com is the leading formative assessment service for schools in the UK, and for British International Schools.All Coronavirus-hit schools are entitled to a free, unrestricted account.https://blog.yacapaca.com/2020/03/02/yacapaca-free-coronavirus-pandemic-2/
Youth Code JamYouth Code Jam hosts Texas’ largest family coding events and supports events in 92 schools in 37 Texas cities. We create bilingual, hands-on computational thinking and coding activities perfect for brain breaks or concept learning.Free bilingual, hands-on coding activities for K-8 that can be used in school or at home, teaching basic computational thinking and computer science concepts. Adventure Mode helps drive student-centered learning.bit.ly/YCJfree
ZearnTop-rated K-5 curriculumbuilds deep understandingand a love of learning math forall studentsAlways free.https://www.zearn.org/

Also, please note that this is a list of more than 300 resources and growing, so please click on the next link at the bottom of the table.

And here is the list of Additional resources that will come in handy to keep kids education going.

CompanyDescriptionFree Service OfferedLink
ZoomZoom has removed the 40 minute time limit for schools affected by the Coronavirus. The meeting limit on your free Basic account has temporarily been lifted.

Link to Join

Press Release

AI Based app that reduces background noise in real time. Very Generous free tier
Companies Offering Free Educational aids and Services due to School Closings 1
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AbsoluteAbsolute is the first and only company to offer uncompromised visibility and near real-time remediation of security breaches at the source.Absolute is offering free access to Application Persistence for VPN for all of its Visibility and Control tier customers through August 31, 2020.https://www.absolute.com/company/press-releases/2020/absolute-enables-customers-to-seamlessly-repair-vpn-applications-amid-coronavirus-outbreak/
Adobe ConnectAdobe Connect is a web conferencing platform that enables collaborative experiences that include video, audio, screen-sharing, polls, chat, Q&A, document sharing and much more. There's nothing for participants to install or configure, Adobe Connect works in any modern browser.Starting this week, we are providing free 90-day access for Adobe Connect, until July 1st, 2020. Individuals and businesses who aren’t customers can now use Adobe Connect rooms with up to 25 participants for free for up to 90 days if they sign-up for a trial license between now and July 1st.https://blogs.adobe.com/adobeconnect/2020/03/adobe-connect-extending-support-in-the-wake-of-covid-19.html?scid=5478ab78-1af5-479e-8bd3-6e8cebd0c285&mv=social&mv2=owned_social
Avaya SpacesOur free Avaya Spaces offer provides a cloud meeting and team collaboration solution that enables people and organizations to connect and collaborate remotely – and goes beyond integrating chat, voice, video, online meetings and content sharing. It gives users all the meeting and team collaboration features needed, including voice and video conferencing for up to 200 participants.Freehttps://www.avaya.com/blogs/archives/2020/03/avaya_spaces_cv/
BarkEverything you need to help educate families about online safety — for freeOnline safety materialshttps://www.bark.us/technight
Bark for SchoolsStudent and school safety product that detects potential problems across G Suite, Office 365, and Chrome to help protect students — at no cost. Bark looks for potentially harmful activities that may indicate online predators, adult content, sexting, cyberbullying, drug use, depression, suicidal ideation, and more, so that communities can help keep kids safe online and in real life.Free G Suite and Office 365 account monitoring and web filtering for all K-12 schools in the U.S.https://www.bark.us/schools
CanvasAlways free for teachers to sign up and run an online course. Also has a great community of k12 and higher edu teachers who share course templates and resources in a common repository.Always Free.https://www.instructure.com/canvas/try-canvas
GoToMeetingMultiple Products for freehttps://www.gotomeeting.com/work-remote
LoomLoom is a new kind of work communication tool that helps you get your message across through instantly shareable video. Capture your screen, record your front-facing camera, and narrate it all at once, then instantly share with a simple linkWe are also making Loom Pro free for teachers and students at K-12 schools, universities, or educational institutions. Forever.https://www.loom.com/
RingCentralRingCentral Office will provide all those impacted with video conferencing, team messaging, business phones, and even SMS and faxFor Educators, Health Care, and Non-Profits, RingCentral Office for free for 3 months.https://www.ringcentral.com/blog/enabling-effective-communication-and-collaboration-during-covid-19-for-distributed-and-mobile-organizations/
SalesforceQuip Starter - To help teams collaborate while students and staff are away from school. Available for free to any Salesforce customer or non-profit organization through September 30, 2020.https://www.salesforce.com/
SutoriSutori is a collaborative presentation tool for the classroom for all age groups and content areas. It provides the ideal canvas for assignments and lesson plans.https://www.sutori.com/
AdmitHubAdmitHub developed the first student communication platform powered by artificial intelligence, specifically designed for higher education.To support the higher education community during the Coronavirus outbreak, we are offering free access to the AdmitHub platform so you can provide clear, immediate answers about the outbreak.https://learn.admithub.com/content-covid19support/
Avaya SpacesOur free Avaya Spaces offer provides a cloud meeting and team collaboration solution that enables people and organizations to connect and collaborate remotely – and goes beyond integrating chat, voice, video, online meetings and content sharing. It gives users all the meeting and team collaboration features needed, including voice and video conferencing for up to 200 participants.Freehttps://www.avaya.com/blogs/archives/2020/03/avaya_spaces_cv/
CiscoWebexCisco Webex is offering free video/meeting software usage.https://www.webex.com/webexremoteedu.html
GoToMeetingMultiple Products for freehttps://www.gotomeeting.com/work-remote
TechSmithOur screen recording tool, TechSmith Snagit, and our asynchronous collaboration platform, TechSmith Video Review, will be provided for free through the end of June 2020 to any organization that needs it.https://discover.techsmith.com/remote-techsmith/

If we missed anything, please add it to the comments below.

It’s a collaborative effort to consolidate resources and help kids with their continued learning and education. So, please join us on that journey.

~ Team at MakingThemGenius.com

Huge thank you to Amazing Educational Resources for this list!

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